
February 18, 2020

By: Chelsea Shedden | Interior Architect

6 Tips for Maintaining Metal Furniture

Metal finishes are extremely popular for contemporary furniture designs, offering a sleek and striking contrast to timber or stone looks. 

Metal is known for collecting dust, grime and can develop rust if not cared for properly.
It’s important to clean your metal furniture pieces on a regular basis to keep these interior additions looking sharp.


Whether it be table legs, bar carts or the frame of your mirror, you want your household metal to stay shiny and spotless for years to come. We have put together 6 easy tips to help you maintain and care for your furniture. 

  1. Avoid abrasive cloths and scrubbers as these can scratch your metal.    
  2. Remove any fabric cushions or coverings – you don’t want to ruin any material when trying to clean your metal.    
  3. Clean off any dust particles with a soft cloth before you start a thorough clean.    
  4. Mix warm water and mild dishwashing liquid together – avoid any harsh chemicals that can eat into the metal and ruin the material.    
  5. Rinse with clean water.    
  6. Dry thoroughly with a soft cotton cloth to reduce the risk of rust.    

We recommend the Guardsman Cloth to help protect your household surfaces from being scratched and keep the dust at bay for your metal accents. 

For homes that have beautiful water views or outdoor seating in a garden or balcony, any metal furniture will
need a little extra TLC to make sure it looks sharp all year round.

Due to the sea salt in the air from living close to the ocean, metal will corrode and tarnish much quicker if not cleaned off on a regular basis. We recommend frequent surface cleaning with a soft cloth and gentle detergent, paying particular attention to joins and angles where dust and moisture can build up. 

Shop OZ Design Furniture's range of gold, silver and copper products as well as dining tables designed with black metal legs for a striking contrast.